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Board Members


Creston Valley Public Library is governed by a volunteer Board of Trustees responsible for developing library policies, approving the library budget, and long-term planning for the library. The board consists of up to nine volunteer members elected for two-year terms at the Annual General Meeting, and one appointee from the Town of Creston.

Board meetings are held on the third Tuesday of January, February, March, April, May, June, September, October, November, and December at 7:00pm at the library, and are open to the public.

Please email to request to speak.

Correspondence for the board can be sent to

Current board members are:

Joan Hedstrom, Chair
Laurie Riehl
Kathy Durnin
Alison Szpak
Peter Jacoby
Maria Aryan
Jordan Lysenko
Tealia Decker
Arnold DeBoon, Town of Creston Representative