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Public Space

5.1 Rules of Conduct
The library endeavors to provide a welcoming and safe environment for the enjoyment of the public and staff so that all persons may partake of the benefits of the library.
  Individuals using library services and resources are expected to act with respect and consideration for others and for library property in accordance with the BC Human Rights Code and library policies.

Library staff is entrusted with the obligation to ensure that the Library’s policies are followed and will apply these policies in a fair, dignified and positive manner.

Any person who violates library policies risks suspension of library privileges, cost-recovery damages, and prosecution.

5.2 Quiet Space
Creston Valley Public Library prides itself on being a busy and popular community gathering place, where people of all ages meet to discuss and share ideas, participate in programs and community events, and collaborate with other community members.
  We also recognize that some users may require a quieter area for study or contemplation. Where a conflict arises, we will, whenever possible, offer a designated area for quieter study.

We encourage all library users to be respectful and considerate towards others when using the library’s public space.

5.3 Use of Electronic Devices
Electrical outlets are located throughout the library for use with laptops, mobile phones, and other handheld devices.
  Library users should turn off mobile telephones, or set them to a non-auditory call notification mode, before entering the library. If a call is taken while the user is in the library, they should move to an area that will minimize disturbance for other library users to conduct their conversation. Library staff may request that a mobile telephone user leave the library.

Use of headphones is required for audio or multimedia device use within the library.

The use of cameras or other recording devices is not permitted in the library without receiving prior permission from library staff. Under no circumstances may library patrons or staff be photographed or recorded without their permission.

5.4 Meeting Rooms
Creston Valley Public Library has two meeting rooms that are available for use by the public.
  The meeting rooms are available free of charge to registered non-profit organizations, by donation for community clubs and organizations, and for a fee for individuals and for-profit organizations.

Library-sponsored activities take precedence over other meeting room uses.

5.5 Display and Distribution of Posters and Handouts
The library is committed to the distribution and availability of the widest range of material for the use of library patrons. This policy is in conformance with the Canadian Library Association Intellectual Freedom Statement and does not imply the approval or endorsement of any of the material distributed. The library provides access to information about community activities and events by displaying material in a variety of formats (e.g. posters, brochures and community newspapers and magazines).
  Posters, handouts, etc. which advertise the date of an event must be deposited no less than two weeks prior to the date of the advertised event.

Materials accepted for possible display become the property of the library. The library is not responsible for the return of brochures or display materials left on its premises.

The following materials will not be posted or distributed: material that is primarily commercial and does not have compensating cultural or community importance; oversized items; materials which would violate the BC Human Rights Code; petitions not directly related to library service; political posters for individual parties or candidates.

Materials which conform to these policies will be prioritized based on the date received. Due to space limitations, we do not guarantee that all materials received will be posted, or the duration for which they will be posted.

The library has the sole discretion to decide what is posted or distributed.

5.6 Public Art
Creston Valley Public Library supports artists and artisans, and endeavours to showcase their work within the library upon request at the discretion of the Library Director.
  The library is not responsible for any damage to artwork due to theft, loss, fire, accident or intentional harm to their work while housed in the library.

All artists interested in displaying their work within the library will be required to sign a waiver releasing the library from responsibility for possible damages or losses that may occur.

5.7 Children in the Library
Parents and caregivers are reminded that children may be at risk in a public place and should not be left unattended in or about the library premises.
  It is recommended that parents do not leave children under age nine unattended in the library. Unattended means that a parent or adult guardian is not in the building with the child. Children age five and under must be within visual and physical contact of a parent or adult guardian at all times while using the library.

Library staff are not responsible for children left unattended in the building.

5.8 Scent-Free Space
Creston Valley Public Library is committed to providing a healthy and safe environment for all employees and visitors, and recognizes the health concerns faced by individuals who experience sensitivity to various fragrances.
  Definition of fragrances: Fragrances come from any product which produces a scent, strong enough to be perceived by others including but not limited to colognes, perfumes, after shave products, lotions, powders, deodorants, hair sprays and other hair products, and other personal products.

The library is committed to using low-scent or non-scent cleaning and building products within our facilities. Employees, volunteers and visitors to the library are encouraged to discontinue use of scented products when on the library premises.

Employees, volunteers and visitors who violate this policy may be asked to leave the library.

5.9 Pets in the Library
Except for guide/service dogs certified under the Guide Animal Act of British Columbia, pets are not permitted in the library. Anybody accompanied by a certified guide/service dog must present proof of certification upon request.
  In addition, in accordance with the Town of Creston Bylaw 1406, dogs on the library grounds must be on a leash and under the supervision of a person competent to control it at all times.