About the Friends of the Library
The Friends of the Creston Library play an essential part in the life of the library. The Friends maintain the Book Sale room in the library and conduct fund-raising activities throughout the year. The Garden Party & Book Sale in April and the Fall Book sale in October are two of the main fundraising activities.
The Friends also rent out tables to community organizations, businesses and individuals at the rate of $5/table/day (pick up) or $10//table/day (delivered). 10 tables are available. Please contact Gary Atha (250-435-1045 or garyatha74@gmail.com) to inquire.
Friends grants have been used to update computer infrastructure, purchase shelving, provide staffing for Summer Reading Club activities, and much more.
Get Involved
The Friends of Creston Library welcome and encourage new members to join. Meetings are held the first Wednesday of every month in the library meeting room. You can contact the Friends by contacting Gary Atha at 250-435-1045 or email at garyatha74@gmail.com. The meetings are mercifully short, fun and the Friends seem to get their pictures in the paper a lot. There is also a high demand for their baking!
Connect with the Friends of the Library on Facebook.
You can donate to the library using the online donation button below.